Universal Studios (duh) on April 29.
King Kong (duh)
A torn apart airplane, supposedly once a functional 747, that was used to shoot war of the worlds (with tom cruise).
I thought the lighting in this picture was neat, even if it wasn't very clear. Like the airplane picture above, we were on the backlot tour.
Flood and rain simulation on the backlot tour. The flood water smelled pretty bad. It also got on me. Not too much at least.
Sunday (April 30) we went hiking. This is the creek where the trailhead splits into 7 falls, inspiration point, and some others I think. We went up to inspiration point. The lighting in this picture isn't that great, but I know now how I could have made it better (change shutter speed). Next time.
The view the other way at the creek.
Similar viewing angle as the last one, but closer up.
We saw a lot of lizards when we went hiking.
This one is blended in pretty well..
but is easier to spot in this 1:1 crop.
All of the lizard pictures have the lizards' butts. I guess they were trying to run away or something. Or just not running towards us. Or both.
I thought this was a neat picture in terms of content. The next is a 1:1 crop.
Some fungus we saw.
The view from the top. Unfortunately, on this day the view from the top sucked.
A picture of the hills/mountains from the paved trail that leads to the trailhead. I think the lighting was better in this picture than in previous ones involving the sky.